Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All is quiet on the Western Front...

We pretty much haven't done a darn thing today. No, seriously. We have been eating like it's going out of style...made a list of what junk is missing off of my car (IE; rear tail-light, rear indicator light, etc.) ...looked through a million different recipes (hence the all day munching)...we juiced... we made my Michael juice and he liked it...watched the Iron Chef and What Not To Wear...made some phone calls about future Dr. appointments...paid a few bills online (me)..pretty much a whole lotta nuttin.
Sorry is just, well, boring...and my, we are enjoying it!
Tomorrow we have a blood test, also known as a CBC Test. CBC stands for Complete Blood Count and is a panel of tests that measures the levels of white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelet levels, hemoglobin and hematocrit. This is absolutely routine and is done a week after chemo and two days prior to returning to chemo...but a ChemPanel is added to that test. A Chem Panel is another type of blood test, but this one is a blood test that tells the doctor about the status of the liver, kidneys and electrolytes. If any of these are off, she will either not receive chemo until her levels come back up or they customize the treatment to better suit her.
I have no doubt that all of her levels are just fine, plus she gets a shot at the end of her third day of chemo she gets a Neulasta shot which helps to boost her WBC.
Well, kids, I hope that you all learned something today...I told you we were bored!

"Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can't eat it or hump it, piss on it and
walk away."


Anonymous said...

...a typical normal nice for you both..


Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

I really diggin' the dog quote, very funny. I shared it with my co-workers, they laughed too.

