Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well, apparently, I did run out things to not really. We have actually been a bit busy these days and my allergies have been in full effect, making it hard for me to feel like writing. Anyway, the allergies have settled down a bit as well as just regular ol' life.
Friday was a big day for us...we went to the beauty supply, where we proceeded to get in an argument with some fool that tried to rear end me. Wow. That was fun...I saw my mom return to full form...she said "Oooh, the bitch is back!" Too funny! Then we went to lunch with Bev (Bunny), her daughter Sephra (one of my oldest friends) and her two babies, Eva Belle and Mr.Hammo himself, Wiley. We all had such a great time and Eva, who is big, worldly and wise three year old was very very entertaining. She even remarked in her amazing, innocent sweet little voice that my mom looked like a pirate!!! We all really got a kick out of that...especially my mom...I think she likes looking like a pirate!
Saturday was another really fun day. My Aunt Nancy and my cousins, Jennifer, Emily, Steven and Jennifer's 18 month old daughter, Mikayla aka Pearl came over. We ate and talked and laughed and played for hours! It's always madness when we get together...especially when it's me, Jenna, Steven and Emily...throw Pearl up into the mix and its mayhem!
Then today, my parents friends, Bob and Shelly came over for lunch. That was so nice and relaxing. It was a gorgeous day so we took the opportunity to have lunch outside and we chatted about everything from "bear scares" while camping to politics, to the big story.
Visiting is so nice and I think my mom really enjoys it because it gives her the opportunity to step away from our constant eagle watching...haha...she has said that my dad and I are constantly "up her ass" hahahahaha! It is SO true! Poor thing...she isn't used to us hovering. Don't get me wrong, she really appreciates it...but the constant watching has gotta to be driving her crazy!
Well, here is one more quick little thing before I wrap it up. The other day when I was writing the blog called "Names and Numbers" my mom was writing her own form of "Names and Numbers." She asked me to relay this message to everyone:

"Hi Everyone! This is Karan, Michelle aka Maxx's mom.
Just wanted to pop in and say a few things but most importantly to thank all of you for your wishes, good thoughts and love...Maxx reads them to me daily.
Things seem to be on the upswing as far as energy and sleep at night. Although there is still nothing like that afternoon nap curled up with the lovely, soft blankie that Carrie and Kyle brought me.
Lately, people have been asking what stage I am. I know Michelle wrote a blog on this so here is some added information.
I have a saying printed on a plaque "Age is just a number and mine is unlisted." But, in fact, I am 55, 5'1 and a bundle of dynamo.
In 1986, I had a hysterectomy that involved a major blood transfusion. Yep, you got it, 15 years later I was told that I had contracted Hep C. Woo Whoo!
Well, everyone was asking my Genotype. What numbers were in my liver panel. Finally, I got them. Now those papers are stuck in the files somewhere. All I know is that it was a good letter and better numbers.
So, last night, I was talking to my lovable, adorable (ok enough!) husband, Nick. I asked him if at anytime if any of the doctors ever told him a stage number and he said "No, is that important?"
What they did tell him was that is the very earliest stage of canser. That it is very treatable with good results. So, I guess my thought on numbers are...if it was more than that, ethically, we think that they would have said so.
At the end of the day, would I fight any harder and any less..OH HELL NO!
...a number is just a number.
Love and Laughter,

"Love is the big booming beat which covers up the noise of hate."
Margaret Cho

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just Beet It

Yummy...this was part of our breaky this morning...Beets, Carrots, Ginger and Apples. It may sound uber icky to some of you...but boy, I am telling you that this was some gooood stuff! Very refreshing! I SWEAR!

Check this out:

Ginger: helps reduce anxiety, nausea or morning sickness, aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol, and helps to alleviate high blood pressure

Beets: help build the blood, increases oxygen, excellent source of iron, contains a tumor inhibiting active ingredient and helps maintain liver function

Carrots: helps to relieve eyestrain, aids in menstrual cramps, anti-canser properties and helps with skin dryness and irritation

Apple: helps to rid the body of lead and mercury, may stop canser from spreading throughout the body (Journal of the National Cancer Institute ) and eases stomach cramps

Pretty awesome, eh? I think so.

I love that my brain is filling up with so much knowledge...knowledge is power, right?

Well, that's all for you lesson today, my friends...I will leave you with these few things...

Today was an awesome mom had energy for miles...I don't even think she napped. (I wish she would have, I was so tired! hahaha)

We went and did the CBC test today and the results will be back next week or something.

We had a little visitor today...very fun! Thanks Kelly!

Welcome to the World, Tristan Riley Andrew!

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Names and Numbers

We talk about canser everyday...with each other, with friends, with family, with strangers, with doctors, with nurses...whomever. It's a topic of daily's a topic in our daily thoughts. Sometimes, we get lucky and we forget about it, it may only just for a few moments, but in those moments, it's just us and the hum has quieted down. However, more often than not, we think about it and we talk about it. Our canser chats are never sad, mainly it's curious conversation (and alot of laughing!)..."How does this work? Is the MRI gonna be enclosed? Oh wow! I can taste the green peppers and the onions in this rice! I wonder when I will be able to taste the rest?" It's our new kind of normal and we are cruising and just living and enjoying the moment.
In the course of our daily converstations that occur with other people, there are two questions that seems to be coming up..."What stage is your canser?" and "What is your type of canser called?"
Honestly, we haven't a clue...nobody has ever told us and we haven't asked. Today, when all was quiet on the western front, my mom and I talked about those two questions.
Why haven't we asked?
Do we want to ask?
Do we care?
Is it even important?
Will knowing the name and the number change anything?
Will it benefit us and our situation in any way?
Will we feel any different?
Probably not.
Are we being ignorant by not knowing?
Then again, maybe not.
We are pretty sure that if the name and/or the number were something truly important, someone would have told us. Another canser survivor agreed.
Are the answers to these questions going to make a difference?
My mom has chosen not to ask...and I agree.
We have chosen to focus on what we think is important.
We know that it is lung canser with mets.
We know that it is small cell canser.
We know that it a very very treatable type of canser that responds very very well to treatment.
We know what types of medication my mom takes and why she takes them.
We know that it is a controllable, manageable canser.
We know that we are happy, well loved and supported.
We know that Incurable Isn't A Declaration, It's A Dare!

and everything after that is just a name and a number.

All is quiet on the Western Front...

We pretty much haven't done a darn thing today. No, seriously. We have been eating like it's going out of style...made a list of what junk is missing off of my car (IE; rear tail-light, rear indicator light, etc.) ...looked through a million different recipes (hence the all day munching)...we juiced... we made my Michael juice and he liked it...watched the Iron Chef and What Not To Wear...made some phone calls about future Dr. appointments...paid a few bills online (me)..pretty much a whole lotta nuttin.
Sorry is just, well, boring...and my, we are enjoying it!
Tomorrow we have a blood test, also known as a CBC Test. CBC stands for Complete Blood Count and is a panel of tests that measures the levels of white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelet levels, hemoglobin and hematocrit. This is absolutely routine and is done a week after chemo and two days prior to returning to chemo...but a ChemPanel is added to that test. A Chem Panel is another type of blood test, but this one is a blood test that tells the doctor about the status of the liver, kidneys and electrolytes. If any of these are off, she will either not receive chemo until her levels come back up or they customize the treatment to better suit her.
I have no doubt that all of her levels are just fine, plus she gets a shot at the end of her third day of chemo she gets a Neulasta shot which helps to boost her WBC.
Well, kids, I hope that you all learned something today...I told you we were bored!

"Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can't eat it or hump it, piss on it and
walk away."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fountain of Youth Juice Stop

So, kids, no crazy mishap barred us from our date with the juicer...we juiced our HEADS off today!

...and WOW was it awesome! We're pumped. We are hyped. We re full of juicey vegetable goodness.

We had our first juicing this morning at around 10am and we used a recipe that I stole from my new friend, Austin aka Rawstin.

Good stuff. Seriously.
A few hours later, we decided to go and do a little shopping and stop by a juicing place that was recommended to us by my boyfriend's mom. My mom, Bev, and I went over there to check it out and hear the owner's story.
He was diagnosed with canser a little over two years ago and he started juicing almost immediately. He has been canser free for 2 years! No tumors...nothing! Amazing! The experience there with him this afternoon was so awesome...I cant even tell you! You could see the light bulbs just going off left and right for my mom...I think for all three of us , actually. He was an absolute WEALTH of information! He gave my mom a list of which juices to drink, at what time of the day and during which part of her treatment. Let's remember that he sells these juices okay...and he was just giving all of this information away saying "You can do this at home. You don't need to come here. I don't care if I make money. I am here everyday to HELP people and that is what pays me."
Holy Crap!
I am adding him to my list of heroes.
I just cant say enough about how amazing this experience was today! He was so positive and had some many powerful things to say.
and his juice was yummy.
We all had the same thing...carrots, beets, ginger, apple, parsley...strange, yes...gloriously delicious, YES!
I am going to leave you on this fine juiced up Tuesday with this quote that I found on an interweb chat called "Do We Fear Canser or Does It Fear Us?" (the consensus of the group was that, of course, canser is to fear those it inhabits)...

"One day an old Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson. He said, "There are two wolves fighting inside all of us - the wolf of fear and hate, and the wolf of love and peace."The grandson listened, then looked up at his grandfather and asked, "Which one will win?"The grandfather replied, 'The one we feed.' "

Sit and think about this one for awhile...

Lots 'o love and hugs all around!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Vegie Tales

Today was the day that we were to start juicing...BUT we can't find the blades! My mom thinks that they must still be packed away. Oh well...there's always tomorrow, right?

...and tomorrow we will be well prepared as we went shopping for the organics this afternoon. So barring some crazy mishap, tomorrow will be day one of juicing and I am so excited!

When I say "juicing" I am not talking about steroids, I'm talking health food. Yeah, that's food. It has been proven that diet and exercise helps fight off that blasted, pesky bugger canser.

There are a million reasons to change your diet (EVEN if you don't have canser), but these two reasons are reason enough:

1: Canser THRIVES on fat. boo.

2: Fruits and vegetables are laden with pesticides. eww.

So, we have been slowly introducing organics, raw foods and juicing into our daily lives.

Sometime in the near future, I will add juicing link for you all to check out.
I cant wait to tell you all about our "green juice experiments"...guinea pigs at your service.

Stay tuned... on to the important stuff...a couple of blogs ago, I asked everyone to "leave some love", however, I neglected to leave directions on to do such a here it goes...

At the end of EACH blog it says "posted by loveandlaughter at 11.40pm 0 comment" click on "0 comments".

Then start writing your comment in the big box to the right.

Underneath that is a spot that says "Choose your Identity"

Click "Anonymous"

HOWEVER, if you choose anonymous, please, please remember to leave your name. We have been getting some nice notes and we cant thank you properly when we don't know who you are...unless you're trying to be secretive :)

"California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange."
Fred Allen

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am the one with chemo brain...

I swear that I have taken over "the chemo brain" symptom for my mom. Its true...and alot of people have said so too...even her nurses.
Anyhow, I left out an important part of the blog cousin Jennifer came along to our chemo party on Friday. That was really awesome and my mom and I were both so glad that she did. You get such a different perspective when you get to see whats going on first hand. It sort of takes some of the scary away, not all of it, but some of it...and when we can get rid of some it, well, quite frankly, that's awesome.
I cant say enough how truly blessed we are to have such a wonderfully loving and supportive cast of characters to play with everyday. Everything that I have been reading says that smiling, laughter and all of those other good things cause a rise in endorphins which contributes to healing and getting healthy...and we all know how much canser hates a healthy body! So, keep the love a'comin! If you cant physically stop by, feel free to drop some love on this here blog, or snail mail or email. You don't have to talk about the blasted canser, a story about grocery shopping, a smile or a photo will do just fine.

Let me leave you on this fine Saturday afternoon with a little joke that this really cute 80 something year old man told us yesterday ...
There was a blonde and a brunette walking down the street. The brunette says the blonde "Oh my! Look at that dog over there with one eye!"
The blonde places her hand over her eye and says "Where? I cant see it!"

Hearts to Everyone!

"Love is the shortest distance between two hearts"

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day!

Today was the last day of chemo for 21 days. This means, boys and girls, that we have nothing to do for the next few weeks! Okay, well, not NOTHING...I mean we have an appointment at Dr. Lean's on Monday and then a CT/MRI on September 4th. The purpose of this scan is to see how the canser is doing. Keep your fingers crossed that the radiation and the chemo are doing their jobs and shrinking the tumors and flat out murderlizing those canser cells!!

So, aside form those two little things, we are as a bird.

What the heck are we to do with ourselves?

What in the world will I blog about?

I'm sure I will have no problem finding something to say...being at a loss for words has never been an issue for me!

Movies and coffee (well maybe not coffee) and lunch dates are in the cards for us over the next few weeks...any takers?
Call me if you wanna join in on the chick fest.

Oh! Back to chemo for a sec...we had, well I had, a super idea! (don't act so surprised) We are so gonna have a chemo dance off next time we go! Forget about "Dancing with the Stars" its all about "Dancing with Chemo"...they all already have dance partners (the chemo pole) so there will be no tryouts necessary. Mike (our chemo buddy...not one of the nine million OTHER Mike's in our life) actually calls his chemo pole his skinny girlfriend with all the baggage...he says "At least her bags are clear though so I can see through her shit!" Too funny. We like our chemo buddy!

I have again failed in my duty as resident photographer...I suck.

Well, kids, Happy Friday...please keep all your collective fingers crossed for bomb-diggity CT/MRI results on the 4th!

I would like to leave you with this little nugget of a note that my mom sent to my grandmother earlier this week:

"There once was a girl,

who had a curl,

in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

she was very, very good

and when she was bad,

she was horrid.

And now she's just a pirate!

ARRRR Matey!

Seriously. She really did send this to her and I can guarantee my grandmother laughed and laughed.

We are sick weird people. And my oh my how we love it!

**oh! wait! please send out a round of applause for our friend carrie b. in canada (she has lung canser as well)...she got her results back and she has has NO spreading of tumors and NO GROWTH!!! woop! woop!**

"See children? Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable! But that my dear children. is called cannibalism; and that is frowned upon in most societies."

--Willy Wonka

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Through all of my searching and researching, I have found this great support group of canser survivors and caregivers. I find hope, empowerment and comfort in them and I share as much of these stories with my mom as possible. I found this really cool take on "The Serenity Prayer" on one of my new friends blog.

Here is an excerpt from her blog:
(thanks carrie b.! :)

" from another blog (a doctor with cancer), she extended the Serenity Prayer with some amazingly well written versus… attention to the final one (I am only copying a few versus to give you a flavour but please go read the full version its really good!)

God, grant me the…serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

patience to wait when healing requires time,
courage to undergo more treatment when needed,
and wisdom to know the difference.

discipline to weigh good options,
courage to reject bad advice,
and wisdom to know the difference.

humility to pray as if everything depends on You,
courage to act as if everything depends on me,
and wisdom to do both.

Pretty awesome!

I forgot to take pho-hotos today at chemo...well, actually, I'm lying (again) it was waaaay to crowded in there today and it just seemed inappropriate. Oddly, not all people are like us and open and comfortable in their canser journey.

Its okay.

So the date has been changed now, you silly goose!
Hearts and much love to everyone!

Remember: Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chemo Buddy

The chemo room is a trip. It's this room that's about the size of, well the size of a chemo room. It's this big, beautiful, calming room with about 15 or so big ol' huge comfy recliners, tons o' magazines and the sweetest nurses.

We had no idea what to expect and boy were we pleasantly surprised!

The nurse, Cheryl, told my mom to pick a chair any chair. Once she did, they brought me own chair, much less squishy, but a chair nonetheless. We ended up sitting across from a woman a few years older than my mom, (her daughter was also her visitor) and guy around my age named Mike. The three of them were so funny and uplifting...we definitely picked the party corner! The five of us chatted and the three of them shared chemo stories with each other for a bit and then it was time for the woman and her daughter to was her last treatment! My mom, Mike and I all said to her "Good luck and we hope we never see you again!" Seems like a weird thing to say, but on this journey, its the right thing to say and when you say it, you really really mean it.

The room filtered out a bit over about an hour period and my mom and Mike really got to chat. He told us his story and how his roller coaster journey started. Then she told him her story...turns out he had and has alot of the same symptoms as my mom. It was awesome to watch their exchanges and interactions...I could tell that this brought ALOT of comfort to the both of them. Its always nice to have someone in your boat who understands where you are coming from...there is only so much that we, as friends and family, can really understand...we will never be able to fully grasp what they are dealing with.

We had a couple of do-do-do moments with Mike this morning. Mike was diagnosed February 27,2008 and my mom, as we all know, was diagnosed July 27, 2008. Hang on, this isn't the do-do-do part...this is...Mike had been admitted to the emergency room at the same time as my mom and shared the same floor as us almost the entire time we were in the hospital. Also, at some point during our second week of radiation, we saw a guy in the waiting room that was wearing a shirt that said " MRI.....20K RADIOLOGY.....30K HOSPITAL.....40K BIG SISTER....PRICELESS
I was SO obsessed with this shirt and it really gave me and my mom such a cool and different perspective on our newly minted canser journey. FINALLY we saw someone like us, someone who had a warped and wicked sense of humor! That shirt helped us realize that we could actually just be ourselves, even through all of this scary shit was going on.

Turns out, surprise, surprise, it was Mike, my mom's new chemo buddy!

Mike will be there at the same time for the rest of the week and I know that we are both totally looking forward to chatting it up with's to hoping that he too has a healthy canser free recovery!

My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia.
Dame Edna Everage

hugs and loads o' love to you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just put your lips together and blow

I lied. Well, I didn't REALLY lie, I was just confused. TODAY was the last day of radiation...I had forgotten that we had missed 2 days during the three week round. oopsie. So, today, this time I mean it, was the last day of radiation for 6 weeks...NOW we can woop it up!

...and now on to chemo!

Speaking of which, we had an appointment this morning with my mom's oncologist, Dr.Paroly. It's always a little nerve wracking to go to the doctor and it's especially true going to these types of appointments...every time I see him I get the worst anxiety. I'm guessing it's because he is the one who told us that it was canser in the first place and somehow my brain isn't allowing me to equate his face with good news...I will work on that.
Anyway, he went over some general things, asked her a few questions, then listened to her lungs and said that they "sound clear as a whistle"! (YES!!!)

He then spoke with us about her chemo (her type of chemo is called Carboplatin) and said that he doesn't see any reason why this course of treatment wont work, especially with the type of canser that she has. He did also say that it doesn't work for 1 in 20 people and if she happens to be the 1, well, then we keep going and trying different medications until she no longer is the "1".


I am breathing again today and my mom is back to snoring VERY loudly during nap time.

Today was a good day...thanks Ice Cube.
Fun mom loves Ice Cube.

And her is another fun fact:

The lung canser awareness ribbon and bracelet color is clear/white because its considered to be the "invisible" canser.

November is lung canser awareness month so lets all work together and make this canser visible-bring it into the light, so that we can see it, so that we can talk about it, so that we can help bring an end to it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and thanks for attempting to grow your brains with us on this mad crazy roller coaster of a journey!

...and thanks again to everyone for all of the amazing unconditional love and support!!

"Life is not about learning to avoid the's about learning to dance in the rain"

click here to leave some love:




Saturday, August 16, 2008

It must be love part 2 or "Stop Thief!"

We stole a luminaria...but more on that later.

I just got back from the "Relay For Life" luminaria walk. Geez oh Pete was that powerful!

I had stopped by earlier in the evening to give some support to Kyle and make a luminaria bag for my maymay. I ended up speaking with this woman named Judy who is a survivor. She gave me a purple survivors shirt to give to my mom, but, only on the condition that she come back next year. Later when I stopped out my parents and told them this little gem of a story, my mom had me go back and find Judy tonight to tell her that she will definitely see her next year! I think that this exchange between the two of them through me made both of them feel better...I know it made me feel better.
Anyhow, Judy was asking about my moms canser and I told her that it was the "small cell canser" and she said "Oh that's good...that means that they found it early."
I had no idea! Thanks Judy!
I arrived back at the school around 8.30 or so and walked the track alone for a bit which was kinda tough but it really gave me so much hope and courage. It gives you such a different perspective on life, really realize what is important. I am continually amazed everyday at the amount of people who get up and stand by our side...but then again, it is my mom and she's a pretty likable chick.
Look what I found on the track....

front back

Pretty cute, huh?
The ceremony started at 9pm and that was intense! The first speaker had some facts and such about canser but the most interesting one was this : 1.4 million people will be diagnosed with canser THIS YEAR!! 1.4 MILLION!!!

The next speaker is an oncologist (fancy people speak for canser doctor) that practices here in good ol' Enci. He was awesome! He was so optimistic and full of hope! He also said that diet and exercise are very important in preventing canser! It also helps in keeping canser "in check".
Get on your bikes and start eating your organic raw veggies, people!!!
We are...and if WE can, so can you! Look at that peer pressure!
The third speaker did sort of a presentation that involved an empty table set for was to symbolize the canser survivors journey. There was quite a bit more symbolism involving the table in her speech, but I'm writing a blog here not a novel, right? Plus, quite frankly, it was pretty emotional. I'm positive that Carrie M and I sat there the entire time with tears rolling down our cheeks...but the true clincher came when a girl got up and sang "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLaughlin..good griefus manervous!! I lost took all I had to just sit there and stay put...everything in my body was screaming for me to get up and start running laps...but, I didn't..Carrie M just held on and we cried. (This blog isn't sounding as uplifting as I feel...) They then asked everyone to get up and walk silently around the track and wow was that cool! Not a peep out of ANYBODY except the sound was the gravel crunching beneath our feet. It was nice and really empowering...very very cool. The other thing that really struck me was seeing ALL of those people there...we live in a fairly small town and to realize that canser touched that many people where we live was shocking and oddly comforting at the same time.

After the quiet walk, we, Carrie M, me, Kyle, his cousin Dane and their family friend Rob (who is on crutches by the way) walked a few more laps and came upon, once again, my mom's luminaria. We promptly blew out the candle and stole it! We are probably the only people who would steal from a canser benefit...further proof of my mom's influence on us! buwhahahaha...just kidding mom..not really.

I left there feeling so hopeful, loved, happy, thankful and proud. I also left there a criminal and I'm okay with that, besides it was Carries idea! hahaha...I'm looking forward to giving my mom her stolen goods in the morning..she's probably gonna cry...I guess that's better than getting grounded though. Anyway, if she did ground me, I would just get in my car and go home...I am 33 after all, but don't tell anyone.

Kyle and the stolen goods

"Mi Valor Fortalece Mi Vida"
my courage strengthens my life

It must be love, love, love

Everyday, and especially since we have started this journey, has been full of love. Today is no exception...warm, unexpected, tender and joyous love.

This morning I got a phone call from my mom's friend Carrie M, letting me know that her son Kyle had joined a "Relay for Life" team. (for those of you who don't know what it is check the link on the side bar) Well, apparently,in the last two weeks, Kyle has raised $250.00 and is walking today in my mom's name. Its a 24 hour walk, from 9am Saturday to 9am Sunday. There is a luminary walk this evening to honor the newly diagnosed survivors. Its too late for me to enter but you better believe I'm going down there tonight to support Kyle in his walk for my mom. We were, and are, so touched by this that we don't even have any words to express how we feel and a mere thank you just seems so inadequate.
So, today do me a favor and root for Kyle and his big ol' giant heart walking around in the heat for my mom.
Shortly after the phone call, the mailman dropped off not one, not two, but three love notes! Wow. My mom recieved photos, cards and an Easton Stagger Phillips cd to do chemo by...sweet.

Then, just a few minutes later, I'm not kidding, came a knock at the door from our dear family friend (who is more family than friend) Michael Hill. He just stopped by to say hi and give my mom a squeeze. Michael Hill lives about 6 hours away in Arizona. Silly Michael Hill...and in my moms words "What a crazy fool!" :)
I phoned my cousin Jennifer to tell her about all of these goings on, and she told me that my aunt's friend is also walking for my mom in January with a goal of raising $1900.00! My my my. The kindness of strangers!
Its been quiet an emotional and heartwarming day! wow.
Now we are resting because tomorrow is a big day...we are going to a birthday party!
fun. fun. fun.
H A P P Y 7TH B I R T H D A Y B O O !!

“Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
Franklin P. Jones

leave some LOVE \
just click it.... \
you know you wanna \

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Friday!

No more radiation for 6 weeks!!!

I make it seem like radiation is something so awful...but, according to my mom, it is no big deal. It doesn't hurt and its over very quickly.

For those of you who may be a little lost, let me "catch you up". We go to radiation 5 days a week for three weeks and then take 6 weeks off. The radiation is for the canser that has metastasised to her brain and the chemo (next week, 3 days on 21 days off) will be for the lung.

I know, this all sounds really scary, it is, but we are in good hands, my mom has an awesome fighting, feisty, stubborn attitude, and the prognosis is good. Apparently this type of canser (i'm misspelling it on purpose...i'm not giving it the power to be spelled right) is very very responsive to treatment. So, we are cruising and just soaking up all of the information that we can. (I will blog about all of that later)

Anyway, back to the radiation, its pretty interesting (so interesting in fact that we have decided to include this its nice to get a visual perspective on whats going on.) Every morning at nine am she plops up on the table, she slips into her "mask", they line up the lasers, close the big ol' steel door, that big circular thing up there rotates into place and gives her a quick ZAP on each side for a minute and a half! A minute and a half can you believe that?! Its so quick!

Now we are home relaxing, blogging, sleeping, watching Jon and Kate plus 8 and wishing the humidity would take a hike! If only we could just go to the beach...ahhh...maybe we can do that during our chemo/radiation break...but a movie might be more appropriate. Whatever. We will keep you posted if anyone would like to join us.

I think we might be a little sad when we don't get to go to radiation everyday and chat with all of the new friends that we've made there! Dr. Lean, or as my mom affectionately refers to her, Dr. Eva, is awesome as is her staff! Just truly lovely, lovely people! We are so lucky to have such caring and compassionate people looking out for us!

And a big THANK YOU to all of our friends and family for all of the support and love and jokes and smiles and flowers and cards and visits and positivity that's been coming our way! Keep it coming!

Remember: Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare!

**oh and on a side note, well not really, but whatever: if you want to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom of each blog and click on the pink letters that say "comment"**

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My first goes nothing!!

So, as you read in the "About Us" section, I decided to write a blog to keep everyone in the loop with whats going on with my mom, her treatment and just our day to day life.
Wow! look at the ego on us!! hahaha!! intention of this blog is to share some pictures and stories, ease your minds and hopefully teach everyone a little something about all of the things that we are learning in "canser college."

Here we are coming to the end of the third week of radiation...then we get a 6 week break!!! We were just wondering this morning what we were going to do with all of our free time...then we remembered that chemo starts next week. Oh well at least its only for three days.

Aside from the radiation making her a little tired, shes cruising, no real side effects and shes eating like a horse even though it tastes like shit!!

Oh and as most of you know, we cut off our hair and donated it to Great Lengths to make wigs for canser survivors that are losing their mom has opted for the "hat" route. I mean, can you see my mom in a wig!? Oh please!

so, that's about it for my first blog...i have a feeling i'm going to become addicted to this!!!

i hope you all will enjoy my bloggity blogging and please feel free to leave comments, questions, suggestions and LOVE!!!

oh and by the way...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to these two crazy kids!!