Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Friday!

No more radiation for 6 weeks!!!

I make it seem like radiation is something so awful...but, according to my mom, it is no big deal. It doesn't hurt and its over very quickly.

For those of you who may be a little lost, let me "catch you up". We go to radiation 5 days a week for three weeks and then take 6 weeks off. The radiation is for the canser that has metastasised to her brain and the chemo (next week, 3 days on 21 days off) will be for the lung.

I know, this all sounds really scary, it is, but we are in good hands, my mom has an awesome fighting, feisty, stubborn attitude, and the prognosis is good. Apparently this type of canser (i'm misspelling it on purpose...i'm not giving it the power to be spelled right) is very very responsive to treatment. So, we are cruising and just soaking up all of the information that we can. (I will blog about all of that later)

Anyway, back to the radiation, its pretty interesting (so interesting in fact that we have decided to include this its nice to get a visual perspective on whats going on.) Every morning at nine am she plops up on the table, she slips into her "mask", they line up the lasers, close the big ol' steel door, that big circular thing up there rotates into place and gives her a quick ZAP on each side for a minute and a half! A minute and a half can you believe that?! Its so quick!

Now we are home relaxing, blogging, sleeping, watching Jon and Kate plus 8 and wishing the humidity would take a hike! If only we could just go to the beach...ahhh...maybe we can do that during our chemo/radiation break...but a movie might be more appropriate. Whatever. We will keep you posted if anyone would like to join us.

I think we might be a little sad when we don't get to go to radiation everyday and chat with all of the new friends that we've made there! Dr. Lean, or as my mom affectionately refers to her, Dr. Eva, is awesome as is her staff! Just truly lovely, lovely people! We are so lucky to have such caring and compassionate people looking out for us!

And a big THANK YOU to all of our friends and family for all of the support and love and jokes and smiles and flowers and cards and visits and positivity that's been coming our way! Keep it coming!

Remember: Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare!

**oh and on a side note, well not really, but whatever: if you want to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom of each blog and click on the pink letters that say "comment"**

1 comment:

Carrie said...

OOH I must steal this: Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare!