Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well, apparently, I did run out things to not really. We have actually been a bit busy these days and my allergies have been in full effect, making it hard for me to feel like writing. Anyway, the allergies have settled down a bit as well as just regular ol' life.
Friday was a big day for us...we went to the beauty supply, where we proceeded to get in an argument with some fool that tried to rear end me. Wow. That was fun...I saw my mom return to full form...she said "Oooh, the bitch is back!" Too funny! Then we went to lunch with Bev (Bunny), her daughter Sephra (one of my oldest friends) and her two babies, Eva Belle and Mr.Hammo himself, Wiley. We all had such a great time and Eva, who is big, worldly and wise three year old was very very entertaining. She even remarked in her amazing, innocent sweet little voice that my mom looked like a pirate!!! We all really got a kick out of that...especially my mom...I think she likes looking like a pirate!
Saturday was another really fun day. My Aunt Nancy and my cousins, Jennifer, Emily, Steven and Jennifer's 18 month old daughter, Mikayla aka Pearl came over. We ate and talked and laughed and played for hours! It's always madness when we get together...especially when it's me, Jenna, Steven and Emily...throw Pearl up into the mix and its mayhem!
Then today, my parents friends, Bob and Shelly came over for lunch. That was so nice and relaxing. It was a gorgeous day so we took the opportunity to have lunch outside and we chatted about everything from "bear scares" while camping to politics, to the big story.
Visiting is so nice and I think my mom really enjoys it because it gives her the opportunity to step away from our constant eagle watching...haha...she has said that my dad and I are constantly "up her ass" hahahahaha! It is SO true! Poor thing...she isn't used to us hovering. Don't get me wrong, she really appreciates it...but the constant watching has gotta to be driving her crazy!
Well, here is one more quick little thing before I wrap it up. The other day when I was writing the blog called "Names and Numbers" my mom was writing her own form of "Names and Numbers." She asked me to relay this message to everyone:

"Hi Everyone! This is Karan, Michelle aka Maxx's mom.
Just wanted to pop in and say a few things but most importantly to thank all of you for your wishes, good thoughts and love...Maxx reads them to me daily.
Things seem to be on the upswing as far as energy and sleep at night. Although there is still nothing like that afternoon nap curled up with the lovely, soft blankie that Carrie and Kyle brought me.
Lately, people have been asking what stage I am. I know Michelle wrote a blog on this so here is some added information.
I have a saying printed on a plaque "Age is just a number and mine is unlisted." But, in fact, I am 55, 5'1 and a bundle of dynamo.
In 1986, I had a hysterectomy that involved a major blood transfusion. Yep, you got it, 15 years later I was told that I had contracted Hep C. Woo Whoo!
Well, everyone was asking my Genotype. What numbers were in my liver panel. Finally, I got them. Now those papers are stuck in the files somewhere. All I know is that it was a good letter and better numbers.
So, last night, I was talking to my lovable, adorable (ok enough!) husband, Nick. I asked him if at anytime if any of the doctors ever told him a stage number and he said "No, is that important?"
What they did tell him was that is the very earliest stage of canser. That it is very treatable with good results. So, I guess my thought on numbers are...if it was more than that, ethically, we think that they would have said so.
At the end of the day, would I fight any harder and any less..OH HELL NO!
...a number is just a number.
Love and Laughter,

"Love is the big booming beat which covers up the noise of hate."
Margaret Cho


Anonymous said...

Her number is 100. 100% able to fight. 100% ready to win. 100% fierce. 100% loved. Any number smaller than that..yea thats not my sister!

It was a wonderful Saturday....and Pearl slept all the way home. We picked two rocks out of her pockets and put her to bed. Ofcourse after all that healthy food & talk about healthy food..we stopped at Mary's donut shop in Santee and bought not one but two dozen kids favorite. I can't lie..I had to have one..

We love you madly Michelle, Karan and Nick!

Jus the 4 of us plus Pearl

Anonymous said...

it was soooo good to see you guys the other day. we should start hitting up all the healthfood stops for lunch, i know of a few 'interesting' places we could try.

i need to get you that recipe, i started writing it out before i left to meet you guys but didn't have enough time before "mr. hammo" woke up and we were out the door. so, anyway i'm going to send it to you via myspace.
i hope i see you guys really soon!
love you all LOTS!

Anonymous said...

Great blog, keep up the good work. Your constant updates help me through the day & to have aunt karan put her two sense in, is really awesome. I'm glad she's strong and is fiesty, afterall what would we do without that?

hehe I had a superfantabulous day on Saturday and I hope we can do it again.

Love You best,
