Saturday, August 16, 2008

It must be love part 2 or "Stop Thief!"

We stole a luminaria...but more on that later.

I just got back from the "Relay For Life" luminaria walk. Geez oh Pete was that powerful!

I had stopped by earlier in the evening to give some support to Kyle and make a luminaria bag for my maymay. I ended up speaking with this woman named Judy who is a survivor. She gave me a purple survivors shirt to give to my mom, but, only on the condition that she come back next year. Later when I stopped out my parents and told them this little gem of a story, my mom had me go back and find Judy tonight to tell her that she will definitely see her next year! I think that this exchange between the two of them through me made both of them feel better...I know it made me feel better.
Anyhow, Judy was asking about my moms canser and I told her that it was the "small cell canser" and she said "Oh that's good...that means that they found it early."
I had no idea! Thanks Judy!
I arrived back at the school around 8.30 or so and walked the track alone for a bit which was kinda tough but it really gave me so much hope and courage. It gives you such a different perspective on life, really realize what is important. I am continually amazed everyday at the amount of people who get up and stand by our side...but then again, it is my mom and she's a pretty likable chick.
Look what I found on the track....

front back

Pretty cute, huh?
The ceremony started at 9pm and that was intense! The first speaker had some facts and such about canser but the most interesting one was this : 1.4 million people will be diagnosed with canser THIS YEAR!! 1.4 MILLION!!!

The next speaker is an oncologist (fancy people speak for canser doctor) that practices here in good ol' Enci. He was awesome! He was so optimistic and full of hope! He also said that diet and exercise are very important in preventing canser! It also helps in keeping canser "in check".
Get on your bikes and start eating your organic raw veggies, people!!!
We are...and if WE can, so can you! Look at that peer pressure!
The third speaker did sort of a presentation that involved an empty table set for was to symbolize the canser survivors journey. There was quite a bit more symbolism involving the table in her speech, but I'm writing a blog here not a novel, right? Plus, quite frankly, it was pretty emotional. I'm positive that Carrie M and I sat there the entire time with tears rolling down our cheeks...but the true clincher came when a girl got up and sang "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLaughlin..good griefus manervous!! I lost took all I had to just sit there and stay put...everything in my body was screaming for me to get up and start running laps...but, I didn't..Carrie M just held on and we cried. (This blog isn't sounding as uplifting as I feel...) They then asked everyone to get up and walk silently around the track and wow was that cool! Not a peep out of ANYBODY except the sound was the gravel crunching beneath our feet. It was nice and really empowering...very very cool. The other thing that really struck me was seeing ALL of those people there...we live in a fairly small town and to realize that canser touched that many people where we live was shocking and oddly comforting at the same time.

After the quiet walk, we, Carrie M, me, Kyle, his cousin Dane and their family friend Rob (who is on crutches by the way) walked a few more laps and came upon, once again, my mom's luminaria. We promptly blew out the candle and stole it! We are probably the only people who would steal from a canser benefit...further proof of my mom's influence on us! buwhahahaha...just kidding mom..not really.

I left there feeling so hopeful, loved, happy, thankful and proud. I also left there a criminal and I'm okay with that, besides it was Carries idea! hahaha...I'm looking forward to giving my mom her stolen goods in the morning..she's probably gonna cry...I guess that's better than getting grounded though. Anyway, if she did ground me, I would just get in my car and go home...I am 33 after all, but don't tell anyone.

Kyle and the stolen goods

"Mi Valor Fortalece Mi Vida"
my courage strengthens my life


Anonymous said...

How amazing is Kyle? The smile in his face said it all.. Thank you for sharing this with us. See you tomorrow....Loves the key to all things big and small..
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

You blamed it on me I see!
Okay missy...I'll own it! I masterminded the theifing of the luminary...but I wasn't the theiver (we made the guys do our dirty work!)
I too was terribly moved by the evening and most proud of you for the way you learned more ways to help right it all. You are our HERO Michelle. In many many ways.
Thank you for joining us that night.
We love you,
Carrie and Kyle