Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just put your lips together and blow

I lied. Well, I didn't REALLY lie, I was just confused. TODAY was the last day of radiation...I had forgotten that we had missed 2 days during the three week round. oopsie. So, today, this time I mean it, was the last day of radiation for 6 weeks...NOW we can woop it up!

...and now on to chemo!

Speaking of which, we had an appointment this morning with my mom's oncologist, Dr.Paroly. It's always a little nerve wracking to go to the doctor and it's especially true going to these types of appointments...every time I see him I get the worst anxiety. I'm guessing it's because he is the one who told us that it was canser in the first place and somehow my brain isn't allowing me to equate his face with good news...I will work on that.
Anyway, he went over some general things, asked her a few questions, then listened to her lungs and said that they "sound clear as a whistle"! (YES!!!)

He then spoke with us about her chemo (her type of chemo is called Carboplatin) and said that he doesn't see any reason why this course of treatment wont work, especially with the type of canser that she has. He did also say that it doesn't work for 1 in 20 people and if she happens to be the 1, well, then we keep going and trying different medications until she no longer is the "1".


I am breathing again today and my mom is back to snoring VERY loudly during nap time.

Today was a good day...thanks Ice Cube.
Fun fact...my mom loves Ice Cube.

And her is another fun fact:

The lung canser awareness ribbon and bracelet color is clear/white because its considered to be the "invisible" canser.

November is lung canser awareness month so lets all work together and make this canser visible-bring it into the light, so that we can see it, so that we can talk about it, so that we can help bring an end to it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and thanks for attempting to grow your brains with us on this mad crazy roller coaster of a journey!

...and thanks again to everyone for all of the amazing unconditional love and support!!

"Life is not about learning to avoid the storms...it's about learning to dance in the rain"

click here to leave some love:





Anonymous said...

The Ice Cube thing...yea she got that from her sister...LOL!
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

My aunt is a freakin' trooper.

Still laughing, still smiling, still talkin' smack and wears the flip flops that I'm gonna steal from her soon, even if they don't fit! hahaha

I'm so glad that she's doing well, she looks amazing and is as beautiful today as she's ever been.

I love you aunt karan sue, hehe!

-your favorite niece<3 jenna :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE to read your blog! Here is love love love and health health health being sent from my home to yer moms!

xxx Carrie

ahahah canser Carrie