Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am the one with chemo brain...

I swear that I have taken over "the chemo brain" symptom for my mom. Its true...and alot of people have said so too...even her nurses.
Anyhow, I left out an important part of the blog cousin Jennifer came along to our chemo party on Friday. That was really awesome and my mom and I were both so glad that she did. You get such a different perspective when you get to see whats going on first hand. It sort of takes some of the scary away, not all of it, but some of it...and when we can get rid of some it, well, quite frankly, that's awesome.
I cant say enough how truly blessed we are to have such a wonderfully loving and supportive cast of characters to play with everyday. Everything that I have been reading says that smiling, laughter and all of those other good things cause a rise in endorphins which contributes to healing and getting healthy...and we all know how much canser hates a healthy body! So, keep the love a'comin! If you cant physically stop by, feel free to drop some love on this here blog, or snail mail or email. You don't have to talk about the blasted canser, a story about grocery shopping, a smile or a photo will do just fine.

Let me leave you on this fine Saturday afternoon with a little joke that this really cute 80 something year old man told us yesterday ...
There was a blonde and a brunette walking down the street. The brunette says the blonde "Oh my! Look at that dog over there with one eye!"
The blonde places her hand over her eye and says "Where? I cant see it!"

Hearts to Everyone!

"Love is the shortest distance between two hearts"


Anonymous said...

...jennifer was so happy she was able to go..being there meant alot to her..and seeing everything up close was amazing for her and you're right, it did help take the scary was a good thing...but you have always protected your lil jena..
hey!!! hey!!!! i cant post pictures on here! whats the deal-e-o?

Anonymous said...

..ok a blonde joke since I can't post pictures..
A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons or prior experience. She mounts the horse unassisted and it immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse''s mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip.
She tries to throw her arms around the horse''s neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly ignorant of its slipping rider.

Finally, giving up her frail grip, the blonde attempts to leap away from the horse and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot becomes entangled in the stirrup, and she is now at the mercy of the horse''s pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground over and over.

She starts to lose consciousness, but to her great fortune, Bobby, the Wal-Mart greeter, sees her and unplugs the horse.

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the loooove!