Thursday, August 21, 2008

Through all of my searching and researching, I have found this great support group of canser survivors and caregivers. I find hope, empowerment and comfort in them and I share as much of these stories with my mom as possible. I found this really cool take on "The Serenity Prayer" on one of my new friends blog.

Here is an excerpt from her blog:
(thanks carrie b.! :)

" from another blog (a doctor with cancer), she extended the Serenity Prayer with some amazingly well written versus… attention to the final one (I am only copying a few versus to give you a flavour but please go read the full version its really good!)

God, grant me the…serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

patience to wait when healing requires time,
courage to undergo more treatment when needed,
and wisdom to know the difference.

discipline to weigh good options,
courage to reject bad advice,
and wisdom to know the difference.

humility to pray as if everything depends on You,
courage to act as if everything depends on me,
and wisdom to do both.

Pretty awesome!

I forgot to take pho-hotos today at chemo...well, actually, I'm lying (again) it was waaaay to crowded in there today and it just seemed inappropriate. Oddly, not all people are like us and open and comfortable in their canser journey.

Its okay.

So the date has been changed now, you silly goose!
Hearts and much love to everyone!

Remember: Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare!!!


Anonymous said... its gonna be Friday when I wake up?...Thank you for changing my world. I loved the prayer and i love you...Last day of Chemo tomorrow right? Odd in some way that it was crowed there today..don't know how to express the thought I'm having, but its deep, for sure. give kisses please ..xoxo
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Lots of Love and Aloha! The power of acceptance and the courage of change are lifes path. God always has a way of teaching us many things,and some times we have to learn them more than once. You are in my prayers and thoughts daily. Michelle, I think you have a future in journalism! I love you! Lots of hugs and kisses!
Love Trista