Thursday, September 4, 2008

Keep On Truckin'

Happy Thursday!
We went to the Radiology place today to do the CT Scan.
What is a CT Scan?
Just kidding....
Anyway,back to the CT Scan... my mom fasted from midnight until, well, lunch time even though the appointment was at 9am...we didn't get home til after 11am...therefore she "fasted" until lunch...whatever, enough of these side notes and silly ramblings...
Fasting sucked...but what was even worse than fasting was the gross stuff that she had to drink first (TWO FULL GLASSES)...ucky...its technical name is "Contrasting Fluid". It looks like chalk, has the texture of chalk and tasted like pineapple flavored, you guessed it, chalk. The reason for ingesting this putrid liquid is this, it helps to give a clearer image of that stupid know, that stupid canser that isn't growing? Yeah, that's right...i am willing it into submission...i am willing it to shrink, shrivel and *poof* be gone.
Until then, we just...w..a..i..t...
BUT, we are not going to WASTE our time or our energy WAITING. We are far too busy living. and hanging out. and having fun. and gossiping. and, well, just being the girls that we are. No hand wringing, worrying waiting...just regular, put it to the back of your mind kinda waiting. Pssht, honesty, we don't have time to that is quite frankly, giving canser far too much power. My mom has come up with a saying that has preempted "Incurable isn't a declaration, its a dare"...
"Shit, I have, what...let's move on."
Pretty good and I wholeheartedly agree.
We have better things to shopping, going to the movies, being fools, saving the know the usual...
so...let's move on.
My mom is a true inspiration. dang.
I hope one day that I have half as much tenacity and resilience as she does.
My mom frickin rocks!

"The best way out is always through." -Robert Frost


Anonymous said...

I agree with the move on part!

You have to keep living your life but taking care of what's important.

We know she's a trooper and can fight it. Canser is seriously an annoyance in our lives, so POOF it will be gone sooner than later.

I'm sorry you had to fast last night and today. I on the other hand couldn't STOP eating, granola bar after granola bar, I'm starting to think my skin is going to start growin' chocolate morsels on them. HAhahA

I love you twoooo fooooolz!

See you soon<33


Anonymous said...

I have been sick to my stomach all day. I think when I was thinking about her having to go through that I had tummy flash backs and maybe since we are sisters, I feel it somehow. Its a tough thing to go through just because you have to drink the "chalk" on an empty stomach..but already knew she would be a trooper and get through it.
Did you two reward each other with something good at lunch time? Like a beet juice drink or something? Hope so...
I'm off to Florida tomorrow morning so I will check your bloggity blog blog on Sunday when I return..

Have a good weekend. See you again soon..

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

i love that picture, and all the quotes at the end are awesome!
my fingers are crossed, you've all been in my thoughts.....
lots of love