Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Break Of Dawn

Howdy there people! Just want to drop in kinda quick and give you some news.
My mom is doing really really well this week! I mean like whoa! We went to the bank, the grocery and Target yesterday. today we went to the grocery again. and still no nap!!
Yeah, like whoa! YES!!!!!
We are totally looking forward to Thanksgiving too!
Anyway, tomorrow is CT Scan day...the big one!
So, please, please, please keep your fingers crossed that this scan, just like all of the others, is CLEAR!
Clear means no more canser, no more tumors and NO MORE CHEMO!!

keep those fingers crossed, those healing vibes coming, those claps clapping, and love a' flowing!
oh and ps...can you send out some extra easy waking up vibes to since we have to be AT THE DOCTORS office at 7.15 AM. shit.


Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.
Nora Ephron


Anonymous said...

Make her rest tomorrow! Please, and thank you. Kisses!
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Damn it..I read this thing again and started crossing every thing I could cross including my hair..now my eyes are stuck all crossed eyed and I walked into a wall. Them test results bes be good ones or I have a knot on my head for nothing!

Kisses and hugs..

The one and only crossed eyed Aunt Nancy