Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Friday!
Well, we have just returned from our pre-chemo visit. Not so good news, I am afraid. No chemo next mom's blood is just not cooperating. Her blood platelets are very, very low...41,000. The average healthy person's platelets are somewhere between 150,000 and 250, 41,000 is not so good. We actually have to go over to Tri-City tomorrow and have them do a CBC on her and if the platelets are the same or lower, she has to get a platelet transfusion and return to the hospital on Sunday for another CBC. If, however, they are 50,000 she doesn't have to get another CBC until Monday.
All of this has really thrown our plans outta whack and my mom is a little disheartened...she thought she was going to be able to finish chemo next week. It looks like it will be delayed until the week of the 24th...hopefully.
So for the rest of this week/weekend and all of next week, the plan is to rest, eat some nutrient rich food, rest, and rest some more.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
What a big fat bummer.

we hope that all of you have a good weekend!

Fall seven times, stand up eight -Japanese proverb


Anonymous said...

I dont know what to say. Im so sad for her right now. I wanna scream or throw something...DAMN IT! I HATE CANCER SO MUCH!!! IT SUCKS!!

I love you..if you need anything, call me.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Well, she's kicking cansers butt however blood cells are kickin' hers. BLAH for blood!

She will get them back up, and then on to CHEMO she goes.

Stay strong :)
