Thursday, November 6, 2008

November Is Lung Canser Awareness Month

Hey everyone! Here we are! Sorry that we have been hiding...
we have been busy with voting, the elections, eating, doctors appointments, and helping Ashley get settled in. For those of you who don't know, my cousin Ashley moved down here from Los Angeles last week and she is staying with me until her new house is ready. Its been fun...and I think my mom has been enjoying having someone else around to look at instead of me. hahaha.
So, let's see...what can I fill you in on?
Not much really. My mom is doing really well..I mean aside from the annoyance of having to deal with Medi-cal, she is doing good. Her feisty attitude is back in full effect so I guess this means she is getting better...
anyway, sorry to cut this short after such a ling time away, but there really isn't any juicy dirt to I will not bore you any further.
Thank god my mom is feeling good, she is totally rocking the eff outta canser!!!
She is such an inspiration!

"When life hands you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it."


Anonymous said...

Thats all the news I need any day of the week! That just rocks..just like the election and voting and all that..its all good stuff.

Anonymous said...

opps...I forgot to sign off.

Aunt Nanct

Anonymous said...

Sounds splendid, lots of wonderfull cozmic energy in the universe! Eat some mexican food for me, miss you.
XOXO sista Trista

Anonymous said...

Whats going on with my sis and what is this shot and why? I need a medical class please...!
Aunt nancy