Monday, April 27, 2009

Life Or Something Like It

Well, everyone, here we are at day 11, no better and no worse for the wear. My dad and I are having a difficult time of it and feel a little lost without our best friend to guide us. However, we do find some comfort in all of our amazing family and friends.
I just want to thank all of you who have sent flowers and cards and notes and food and hugs and love and support.
Keep em coming...we are only just at the very beginning of our new awkward life and have such a long way to go.

Thanks again for all of the love and support and thank you for being so supportive of my mom during her journey with canser.

We love all of you forever.



Anonymous said...

We you!

Hugs and Kisses!

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

We will be with you always. This new life is tragic and wish it would go back to the way it used to be. I love you both<3
