Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here We Go!

I have officially booked my ticket to New Zealand! I'm so excited that I could barely sleep last night. The countdown has begun, friends,

3 8 D A Y S !!

My dad has a little less time on his countdown clock than that as he will arrive a few days before Michael and I do.
I'm so freakin excited!
and yes, true to my mom's form, I have already started my packing list...but my dad seems to have one upped me on this because he actually packed his ENTIRE suitcase, plus all of his other miscellaneous, extraneous nonsense known as his second piece of luggage.
We are pretty much ready to jump on that plane right now.
My mom has taught us well.

"Those who say you cant take it with you, never saw a car packed for a vacation trip."

.......or our luggage.



Anonymous said...

YAY!! Thats super exciting and I'm so jealous, I wish I could go but I just can't afford it :( Enjoy every minute of it and soak up the sun <3

Love you shell,


Anonymous said...

I wish I could go too!

Aunt Nancy