Monday, October 27, 2008

The Countdown Clock Has Started

Happy October this time next month, my mom will be done with chemo. Yep. You heard right. Oh mah gawd! Pretty awesome.
We went into Dr. Paroly's office this morning for my mom's 10.40 am CBC/Chem Panel test and walked out of there at 3.30 this afternoon. Why you ask? Well because Judy asked us to wait around to see the results of the CBC.
Well, Judy came back to us about 5 minutes later and asked if my mom would like to start cycle 5 of chemo...she said yes, of course. So, during chemo, she made out my mom's schedule for the next series of appointments. She said that Dr.Paroly only has her down for 6 cycles of chemo (which we knew a few weeks ago, but were uncertain if this would hold true...apparently, so far it has).
So, my mom finishes cycle 5 this week...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday chemo (10/27-10/29, Neulasta and CBC on Thursday (10/30), CBC Monday (11/3), CBC/Chem panel Thursday (11/6), CBC Monday (11/10), CBC/Chem Panel Thursday (11/13), Pre-Chemo Visit Friday (11/14), CYCLE SIX Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (11/17-11/19) Neulasta shot Thursday (11/20)...that's alot...and then...
Can you freakin believe it?!
This is so amazing.
Hopefully, this is the last time that we ever, ever, ever have to go to chemo ever, ever again...keep your fingers crossed.
We met a great mother/son team today at chemo...Peter and Rose. Wow. Peter is his mother's caregiver and co-survivor.
I'm unsure if I have ever used these words here, on this blog...they are, however, words that I now use in my everyday life.
Some of the canser books and websites that I have seen say that the day that you are diagnosed with canser, you are survivor. You do not need to wait until you are in remission...

I agree. This is a tough disease and an even tougher battle...people are stamping you left and right with all kinds of brands and monikers and numbers...why not give yourself a brand that has positive connotations...
I have also started calling myself and my dad co-survivors because here we are surviving right along side of my mom. I came up with this title because I don't necessarily like the "caregiver" title. I don't know why, I just don't...nothing against anything or anyone...I dont know, maybe its as simple as this:
a caregiver is someone who is paid to give care to someone...this is not me. I do this because I wouldn't have it any other way. I would give up everything to be able to be with my mom Peter and I were saying this afternoon...
this is the toughest thing that we have ever done, but THE most rewarding thing that we have ever done WITH our lives.
I am not giving care to my mom everyday...I am CO-SURVIVING with her everyday.
Plus, Co-Survivor seems so much more powerful and appropriate to me.
Anyway, I'm outta here...its been a loooong day and my sinuses are killing me.

ps...i just got word from my nieghbor and his dad is doing awesome!!! YES!!


oh and im bringing back an oldie but a goodie....


and today is a two-fer...a two for one day....I stole this one right off of my darling friend Rawstin's page...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes..when I read your blog, all I can think to say is "I love you." Such a simple truth.

Co-survivor or the family us you are our Michelle. A wonderful and amazing young creature with a heart of gold, the strength of a mountain and the will to keep moving in the face of all things good and bad, happy and not so happy. We know, to our undying gratitude that when she looks up to cry, smile, crack a joke or express any emotion or need; that your face is the one she sees every time. Nothing could be better than that..

Like I said..we just love you. Keep up the good stuff...I'm lovin it..

Aunt Nancy