Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello Dolly

Well, things seem to have settled down a bit around here...for now. My mom has gotten some of her appetite back as well as her energy. As for me, I have pretty much finished organizing my house...thank god! The rest of this week is going to be pretty quiet...its next week that looks a little coo-koo.
Monday...blood draw (normal) Mediport
Wednesday...CT Scan
Thursday...Jennifer's Birthday
Friday...Melody's Birthday
Saturday...a break
Sunday...Michael's big Three Oh Birthday!
Also, lets not forget that my most favorite holiday is arriving in just 22 short days.

We are currently still waiting for approval form Medical to her MRI...this is pretty overdue and the sooner we get it the better. However, worrying and wringing our hands about it will only make the wait worse. So, instead, my friends, lets do this:
send out positive, healing vibes for the Mediport surgery on Tuesday, finger crossing and positive vibes on Wednesday for the CT Scan (clean, non canser results), good vibes and red tape cutting for Medical approval for the MRI and loads of birthday blessings for next weekends October birthday babies!
Alright, my allergies are crazy and my eyes are watering up something fierce thanks to all of this dang I'm outta here!
hugs to you
ps...joshua tree was amazing! truly. crossroads, tim and katie, pappy and harriets, integratron, ricochet, rim rock ranch, mike, shuffleboard, bug zappers, ouija boards, graham parsons, wide open spaces, saff and melda, ufos and aliens, dirty dusty roads, stars, d-lo, campfires, candy at midnight, fresh air and love, love, love.

"They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"" Jack Kerouac


Anonymous said...

I know this blog takes alot of your time and your energy at the end of the day...and trust me I'm so grateful for the time you put into ... but if you are tired on Tuesday night, please call me or Jennifer so she can call me. I wanna know how the mediport surgery goes...
It sounds like a really long week for you both. We will send lots of love, laughter, prayer and our typical insanity to keep you laughing and your spirits soaring. And if you need us, we are a call away.
We love you all..I love you all ..
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Welcome back my bestest buddy of all times. Of course we will continue to show love and support, because that's what we do best. The mediport surgery should be a walk in the park, she's a tough cookie! Thank you for remembering my birthday. I didn't know michaels was on sunday, that's awesome!

Well, you take care of yourself. I hope to see you on saturday when I'm visiting!

Love you buddy!