Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sleepy Sleeperton

So, here we are...back from the CT Scan. It was much easier this time, no yucky, ucky "milkshake" just an iodine IV. Much better.
However, her port is really, really sore today..I can only imagine. So she is just sleep, sleep, sleeping. Good. She needs it. Its been a busy week and it's only Wednesday.
She starts chemo again next week...I hope she is rested enough for that.
We still don't have the MRI results yet...but I will keep you posted. Keep up the good vibes for continued good news in my mom's recovery!
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart for everything that all of have done for us, for my mom...your support has meant the world to us!
I will say again though, as I do every single day...canser is wack. I have found, however, that I have learned alot about myself, the world, science, life and love throughout this journey so far. I hope that I can continue to grow my brain as well as my heart during the rest of my mom's recovery and eventual remission.
It is my greatest desire for no one else to ever have to go through this type of experience ever again...but I don't have a magic wand. So, the second best thing to help to bring canser awareness into the light...not just lung canser...ALL canser! The more people talk about it, the more research that is done, the more likely that we will see an end to this ridiculous, heartbreaking disease.
It seems like every other week or so, I hear of a friend who has joined the "club" ( i have been referring to it as "the lamest club you never wanted to join")...damn it. Lets bring this disease to light! Stand up and fight! Make them hear you! Support Canser Research!
and don't forget to VOTE!!

*here is an update on some of friends...
my neighbors father had his surgery on the third and seems to be doing well. he starts radiation this week. send some taste buds and healing light to him.
my friend, who we will call Cookie, seems to be hanging in there like a trooper! shes a feisty girl!
YES! send her some healing light and a beer next time you see her!
unfortunately, I found out today that a long time friend of mine's father has canser as well. shit.
he has been trying some alternative treatments...he is set to begin chemo and radiation soon. lets send him some healing light, taste buds and anti nausea vibes!

hug to all of you!

"If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done."
Peter Ustinov


Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I read this blog I'm completly lost. Tears rush to my heart so fast that I can hardly finish reading and my faith tested. I question whats left in the world thats good and then your face appears before my eyes and I know the answer...its you. You are what is good in the world. Our love of family is whats good in the world. Us...thats whats good.

I have never been political. Never thought that my voice or my vote could bring about change. I no longer feel either of those things. I strongly believe that this country has to wake up and realize how urgently we need to stand up and fight for cancer research and health care reform. Fight for the people who cannot fight for themselves. No one with cancer should have to wait for an approval for a test they need. No one should be denied access or overcharged for the drugs they need to get well and no one should have to worry about how they are going to pay the bills because their only focus should be on healing their bodies and keeping their spirits high.

Is it in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath, the ground we walk on or the soap we cleanse with. What is it that allows this horrible disease to live inside of our bodies? We need to spend the money to find out. We spend billions of dollars on things that mean very little to very few and yet there are millions of people fighting all kinds of cancer. I want answers and I want a President who will seek those answers. I want to live in a country that supports these efforts 24 hours, 7 days a week, the same amount of time that my sister spends fighting and you and Nick spend at loving, nurturing and caring for her.

If I dare to dream...I will always dream big. If I dare to try..I will give it my all. Together we can find a way.

Give her kisses for me. And if you are sure she won't wack you one, please give her a zerbert..

Love is too simple a world .. but,

I love you..

Aunt Nancy

M.Hoffman said...


Thank you for sharing this blog with me & for mentioning my father in your posting. I will share this with my family. It will be very helpful for all of to know what to expect in the next trying months/years.

Thanks for being who you are.

Lots of love.