Friday, November 21, 2008

Feelin Funky Friday

My mom had her Neulasta AND Procrit shots yesterday. Its the first time the have done them on the same day and she is feeling CRAPPY!
Well, the Neulasta always makes her feel flu-ey, but the combo is even worse. So, shes laying low today, curled up on the couch...poor buddy.
Send her some good vibes and some anti-flu symptom ju-ju.

Have a great weekend my friends!

They were so strong in their beliefs that there came a time when it hardly mattered what exactly those beliefs were; they all fused into a single stubbornness.
Louise Erdrich


Anonymous said...

Damn..poor lil thing! How did the tests go? Any new ideas about this being the last of the chemo for awhile? Let me know.

Love you ..

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Blah to shots n shit! Those things are soooo painful. Keep strong cause as soon as you're nice and healthy, we are enrolling you into weight lifting classes and you are gonna tough it up!

hehe (not that you aren't tough) but those poor ol arms.

Take all the naps you can get and feel better.

love you buddy<3

-your niece jenna

Anonymous said...

ju ju on the way!