Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Round One

Hi Friends...
this, like the one from this morning is going to be quick because I am a tired worker bee. Round One of the new chemo went well today although it was very long. So the new schedule is one day a week for roughly five hours, for four weeks then one week off then new cycle starts again. This is a six month course of treatment.
As for the actual treatment today it went really mom even ate lunch while doing chemo!
So awesome!
keep sending out all of the love, good vibes, healing energy our way.
im off to a sleepy little buddy


Anonymous said...

Rest lil goodness. We love you.

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Pleased first session went well. Keep up the good work and you know we are thinking of you all the time.
Love Joy

Anonymous said...

Round one if over, round two will hopefully be a better result. Take care of yourself lil buddy, eat a cup cake :)

<3 jenna

Kazza said...

I had a new chemo (I think I may have said that before) on Wednesday. Woo it sort of took it's toll on me (8:40 am to 2:30 pm) long day. By the time I got back I was exhausted. I pretty much slept all of Thursday.

Then on Friday about half the day I had a tremor (some might call it a seizure but very small only but one none the less.

I was in the ER with my darlings Nick Michelle and Ashley. The have told the DMV to take my license away (that is only far)..ahah
I am feeling better now but still really tired that is why I have not answered any comments or mail.

Please keep good thoughts and prayers.

AND PLEASE DON'T tell Mom and Dad til I get to feeling better and talk to them myself.

Love and kisses to alllllllllll

Anonymous said...

Why are you having tremors? Whats that from and are they gone? Oh my goodness..I worry so much. No worries, I will not call mom until you say its okay to call.

Love you..
