Monday, February 16, 2009

Optimism is the foundation of courage.

Hey guys...sorry that I have been lacking in the update department and I wish that I had better news for this here update, but I don't. Unfortunately, my mom suffered what the doctors are calling a "seizure" on Friday...yeah, Friday the Thirteenth...oh the irony.
Here is the story in my mom's own words:

I had a new chemo (I think I may have said that before) on Wednesday. Woo it sort of took it's toll on me (8:40 am to 2:30 pm) long day. By the time I got back I was exhausted. I pretty much slept all of Thursday.Then on Friday about half the day I had a tremor (some might call it a seizure but very small only but one none the less.I was in the ER with my darlings Nick Michelle and Ashley. The have told the DMV to take my license away (that is only far)..ahah I am feeling better now but still really tired that is why I have not answered any comments or mail.
Please keep good thoughts and prayers.

We don't really know much more than that. She has an appointment with a Neurologist sometime this week and we will let you know what they say.

Please keep sending the claps, laughter, love, hugs, prayers, healing light and positive vibes.

as always, hugs all the way round,

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." ~Ambrose Redmoon


Anonymous said...

Lotsa love...endless hugs.

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Japanese stuff I don't know. Hope you are feeling better today. Was a long session of chemo all right. I know you are in good hands with your daughter she is a gem. Thinking of you as always.
Love Joy

Anonymous said...

Hey hot chick!

Seems like I am going to miss out on our alco drink in NZ! No matter chick it will wait for next year. Praying for you like mad (not sure if it works) but it has kept me sane this last year - you know why!! Thinking of both you and the hunk shedloads.......
Love Shaz and Baz xx