Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its Update Time

Hi friends!
So, just wanted to give you a quick little update...
Unfortunately, my mom had another seizure on Friday...if you are keeping track of the date, it was Friday the Thirteenth...sheesh!
We called 911 again and off we went via ambulance to the ER.
They did all of the regular tests, blood, CAT scan, and that reflex pushy thing and yes, that's the technical name for...look it up. ;)
After a few hours, yes, hours, they told us that there wasn't anything new that was showing up on the CAT Scan and nothing new on or in her brain...thank god!
The ER doctor said that basically it was most likely a reaction to the chemo and prescribed her another anti-seizure medication call Kepro. This will basically act as a backup for the other anti-seizure medication that she already takes, Dilantin.
I think that I should take a little break here and explain what the seizure is...I'm afraid that you are reading this thinking its something like you see in the movies.
I will reassure you that this is not the case. It looks more like an intense muscle spasm...she is fully coherent, awake and talking...its just that her left leg and arm shake like a spasm.
Its definitely scary, I'm not gonna lie, but its not full-on like the movies.

So, today, we went to see Dr. Paroly just because of what happened on Friday and to ask some questions.
Canser and seizures and all of this tends be a little confusing...to say the least.
Anyway, he pretty much agreed with the ER doctor. He has decided that he is going to up the dosage of Decadron, which is the anti-inflammatory that goes into bag one during chemo.
Dr. Paroly thinks that should do the trick.
Keep your fingers crossed on that!
Lets see...what else can I update you on?
Day 8, Round 2 chemo starts tomorrow.

And aside from everything else...we are good...my mom is very tired....but good.

Keep keeping those fingers crossed, prayers coming, candles lighting, million claps clapping, positive thoughts and healing light reverberating through the universe!
We cherish and love all of you!


"We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own."

Ben Sweetland



Anonymous said...

The strength that moves the soul! I love you ladies!

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Pleased to hear scan clear. Hope all goes well with next chemo, fingers toes arms legs the lot all crossed for you. Love Joy

Anonymous said...

I think Dr. P is right along with the ER doctor. We will continue to keep our prayers and spirits high!

We love you<3
