Friday, April 3, 2009

Vegimite, Tasty Cheese, Pixies and a Brand New Dad

First off, let me apologize to all of you faithful followers and lovers of my mom. I have really been lacking in my blogging duties. I am going to try to keep up a little better with this thing from now on.
So, my dad made it home safe and sound on Sunday and those two were just ecstatic to see each other! Too cute! He brought us all of kinds of treats, hence the title of the blog.
And, for those of you who are wondering who the brand new dad is, it's Nick...I'm getting adopted! 25 years later...but who's counting?
How freakin cool is that! Now he will really be my pops! I think it's funny and cute...who gets adopted at the ripe old age of 34? Me! That's who!
And now on to my mom...
Let's see...she had her CT Scan on Monday and we should get the results next week or the week after during the pre-chemo visit. Keep your little fingers crossed that all goes well and the scans are clean, clean, clean.
She got to go to chemo on Wednesday and she was so happy about that! Who knew, in what world would we ever be excited to go to chemo?
She also has gotten back on Decadron, which is anti-inflammatory. This is to help prevent any swelling that is caused by the scar tissue that is leftover in her brain from the old tumors. This should help with some of the motor skill issues that she has been having since the seizures.
It has just dawned on me that some of you may not know that she had 2 seizures...I cant remember if I blogged about it or not.
Well, she had two seizures...both on Friday the Thirteenths. They believe that they may have been caused by the chemo irritating the scar tissue...this is where the Decadron is going to come in relieve some of the swelling I was talking about.
Other than that, all is good in the 'hood. We are happy to have my dad back, the sun is shining, and my mom is feeling better than last week!

So, that's it in a nutshell...or a blog as the case may be.

Please keep all of that good ju-ju coming!

oh and for those of you haven't seen The Survivor Movie.... do it! Watch's amazing!
Here's the link:

also, if you any of you want to check out this really cool book that my darling friend Austin recommended, you should do that too.

"Help Me Live: 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know (Paperback)by Lori Hope"

okay...that's all for now....

hugs and love

"Those who bring sunshine intot he lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."
James M. Barrie


Anonymous said...

A new dad huh. Thats great news. Yes I saw what Nick took back in his goody bag foryou both. Will keep fingers and legs etc crosssed for the results of the scan. Love to you all

Anonymous said...

Reading the blog at, oh well who needs make-up anyway! I'm so touched by the adoption story. I think that is the absolutely the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I love you guys <3

I was so happy to see her log in today. Tell me we all love her so very, very much. and overjoyed that the daddy is home.

Hugs <3

Anonymous said...

YAY Bichelles gonna have her own daddy! (as if he wasn't your dad before) haha WOOP WOOP!

All sounds good and I'm glad to hear positive news.

We love you<33


The Mannon's said...

Hey! How come you go to try your dad out first? The rest of us didn't get that option! Congrats Michelle!

Anonymous said...

We love you, we love you, we love you and we are sorry for all the pain you guys are going through!

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Totnes, Devon
Shaz and Baz xx

Anonymous said...

You are constantly in our thoughts.Lots of love Bryce & Joy

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear the sad news, our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.
All our Love
Anne and Mike