Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fountain of Youth Juice Stop

So, kids, no crazy mishap barred us from our date with the juicer...we juiced our HEADS off today!

...and WOW was it awesome! We're pumped. We are hyped. We re full of juicey vegetable goodness.

We had our first juicing this morning at around 10am and we used a recipe that I stole from my new friend, Austin aka Rawstin.

Good stuff. Seriously.
A few hours later, we decided to go and do a little shopping and stop by a juicing place that was recommended to us by my boyfriend's mom. My mom, Bev, and I went over there to check it out and hear the owner's story.
He was diagnosed with canser a little over two years ago and he started juicing almost immediately. He has been canser free for 2 years! No tumors...nothing! Amazing! The experience there with him this afternoon was so awesome...I cant even tell you! You could see the light bulbs just going off left and right for my mom...I think for all three of us , actually. He was an absolute WEALTH of information! He gave my mom a list of which juices to drink, at what time of the day and during which part of her treatment. Let's remember that he sells these juices okay...and he was just giving all of this information away saying "You can do this at home. You don't need to come here. I don't care if I make money. I am here everyday to HELP people and that is what pays me."
Holy Crap!
I am adding him to my list of heroes.
I just cant say enough about how amazing this experience was today! He was so positive and had some many powerful things to say.
and his juice was yummy.
We all had the same thing...carrots, beets, ginger, apple, parsley...strange, yes...gloriously delicious, YES!
I am going to leave you on this fine juiced up Tuesday with this quote that I found on an interweb chat called "Do We Fear Canser or Does It Fear Us?" (the consensus of the group was that, of course, canser is to fear those it inhabits)...

"One day an old Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson. He said, "There are two wolves fighting inside all of us - the wolf of fear and hate, and the wolf of love and peace."The grandson listened, then looked up at his grandfather and asked, "Which one will win?"The grandfather replied, 'The one we feed.' "

Sit and think about this one for awhile...

Lots 'o love and hugs all around!


Anonymous said...

..loved the story Michelle. Its so true. Looking forward to seeing the recipes for juicing. I'm getting tired of drinking the one I put together and I am drinking beet juice straight out of the can. I was told that there is a beet vitamin but have yet to locate it...so beet recipe that tastes good is right up my alley.
love you...xoxo
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

So i'm pretty sure that the juice tastes better then it looks, haha!

I will have to find some things to juice and give it a whirl.

I'm glad you had a good experience today, we look forward to many more of those!

<3 Jenna <3