Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day!

Today was the last day of chemo for 21 days. This means, boys and girls, that we have nothing to do for the next few weeks! Okay, well, not NOTHING...I mean we have an appointment at Dr. Lean's on Monday and then a CT/MRI on September 4th. The purpose of this scan is to see how the canser is doing. Keep your fingers crossed that the radiation and the chemo are doing their jobs and shrinking the tumors and flat out murderlizing those canser cells!!

So, aside form those two little things, we are as a bird.

What the heck are we to do with ourselves?

What in the world will I blog about?

I'm sure I will have no problem finding something to say...being at a loss for words has never been an issue for me!

Movies and coffee (well maybe not coffee) and lunch dates are in the cards for us over the next few weeks...any takers?
Call me if you wanna join in on the chick fest.

Oh! Back to chemo for a sec...we had, well I had, a super idea! (don't act so surprised) We are so gonna have a chemo dance off next time we go! Forget about "Dancing with the Stars" its all about "Dancing with Chemo"...they all already have dance partners (the chemo pole) so there will be no tryouts necessary. Mike (our chemo buddy...not one of the nine million OTHER Mike's in our life) actually calls his chemo pole his skinny girlfriend with all the baggage...he says "At least her bags are clear though so I can see through her shit!" Too funny. We like our chemo buddy!

I have again failed in my duty as resident photographer...I suck.

Well, kids, Happy Friday...please keep all your collective fingers crossed for bomb-diggity CT/MRI results on the 4th!

I would like to leave you with this little nugget of a note that my mom sent to my grandmother earlier this week:

"There once was a girl,

who had a curl,

in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

she was very, very good

and when she was bad,

she was horrid.

And now she's just a pirate!

ARRRR Matey!

Seriously. She really did send this to her and I can guarantee my grandmother laughed and laughed.

We are sick weird people. And my oh my how we love it!

**oh! wait! please send out a round of applause for our friend carrie b. in canada (she has lung canser as well)...she got her results back and she has has NO spreading of tumors and NO GROWTH!!! woop! woop!**

"See children? Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable! But that my dear children. is called cannibalism; and that is frowned upon in most societies."

--Willy Wonka


Anonymous said...

...i can hear your grandmother laughing from here! Enjoy the break from the chemo and radiation time and just enjoy it! I already know you two are gonna be getting into something!! Love you, have a great weekend..
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

I had a great day with you guys today. I don't think I have ever felt better about this situation as I did today. What amazing people aunt karan has met to share her stories with. Mike is hilarious and I hope that wasn't the last time I will see him again. Oh, and I can't forget about the couple who have been married 61 years, too cute! Thanks for allowing me to come along on this journey, I Love You!

<3 Jenna

Anonymous said...

A Pirate?
You couldn't just be a bag lady like the rest of us boring folk. Noooooo!!!!You had to be a pirate!!!
Well Matey....Why couldn't the kids go see the pirate movie? Because it was arrrrgghhh rated! (R rated get it?!)
Yeah, I know, that was pretty stupid but I'll bet it made you smile even just for a moment!
Lots of love!